
Hipster sketches

So after I did that Hipster Big Barda I started to do the ladies of X-Men as hipsters, and I think I only got 3 done... or maybe 2. The idea was to do a lot more, and I had some ideas but none of them really solidified. Here are a bunch of doodles I did around the time. I'll return to them soon! I just need to come up with some better stuff. I hope to do a print of all the X-Ladies together at some point.

Actually the real reason I didn't do any more hipster superladies is because doing hipster superheroes became so mainstream loooooololololol smh kj kj kj rolfmaow

*I just remembered a conflict that came up when I was thinking about these. One of Rogues' costumes from the 8os is already a hipster costume, it is the most hipstery costume you could possibly put her in, but instead of just settling with that one I tried to challenge myself and ended up just slamming my head into the wall by the end of it. Whoops!

1 comment:

Chris Cormier said...

I am loving all of these posts, Nate! This is terrific, inspiring stuff. Thanks for sharing all of this great work, man. Keep it up!